ICA-Mautech Meet up 1.0- Recap

Zunnurayni Idris


Event Flyer

People learn better when they can learn with a community of like-minded peers. And with support from Ingressive, that is made possible.

Ingressive is an ecosystem architect working with international bodies seeking expansion in Africa and directing resources to tech communities across the continent. Ingressive Campus Ambassadors program is aimed to offer a unique opportunity for students in tertiary institutions in Africa to contribute to the growth and development of the African tech ecosystem.

“Our aim is to create an active environment for Tech enthusiasts, Developers, to learn, share knowledge, network, build their technical skills and equip everyone, regardless of their background.

On Saturday, May 18th 2019, we held the first ever Ingressive Campus meetup in Moddibo Adama University Yola (MAUTECH)from 08:00 AM to 01:00 PM. The meetup theme was: Getting Started with GitHub / Html, CSS, Js The big picture.

Getting Started…

The meetup was Scheduled to have two sessions which are GitHub and Html, CSS, and Js.

we started with a keynote speech by Zunnurayni Idris,( ica mautech lead) introducing our attendees what -ICA- is all about. and also the introduction of our Developers Club by Mr Ade. A Lecturer at the Computer science Department.

First session:

our first speaker was Tajjuddeen Mohammed, a web developer and a 300 level computer science student at Mautech.he talked about HTML, CSS, Js started with a detailed history of the origin and evolution of (html,css,js) with his well elaborated and wonderfully designed slides he listed out why and how we should learn and (html,css,js).He also introduced some important frameworks of (html,css,js) which should be a must know for newbies, while teaching he asked questions and any student who answered correctly was rewarded with a swag,

Second session:

our second session was handled by Zunnurayni “ Developer -web & mobile” 300 level Computer science student and Abdulrashid “full stack Developer” 400 level information technology student both from Mautech. they walked the attendees through a proper Introduction to Git and GitHub. It was a quick and simple introduction to the concept of Git and GitHub. Particular mention was made of the difference between Git and GitHub and how they work. It was an eye-opener for newbies, knowing much you can do with git and GitHub. they took us all through the steps involved in setting up a GitHub account to the creating of a repository, pulling a request, explored the Collaboration WorkFlow, and the terminologies of GitHub and Git. Abdulrashid facilitated how to use GitHub on the command line on your computer! it was an amazing session, shared some GitHub cheat sheet.

As a developer regardless of your skills level, create a GitHub account, push your practice code or side project,
nothing to lose but everything to gain, #ace

To keep things going smoothly and liven the atmosphere, up next was a marshmallow challenge,

which was facilitated by Umar Faruq “ IOT developer” 400 level computer science student at Mautech. This exercise is used to foster and develop individuals in the attributes of collaboration, innovation and creativity. which the attendees had lots of fun, to be the winning team one has to build the tallest standing structure with a marshmallow on top. The winners got ICA Mautech notes.

Brilliant questions were asked by the attendees and answers were provided.

Event Media

All meetup photos in the album below:

More highlights at #MautechICA

Special Thanks

Bunch of thanks to Ingressive for making this a reality

Thank you to our sponsors — GitHub and MLH

Special thanks to Dr N.D Oye, Mr D. I. Sajoh and Mr Ade.

Thank you to our speakers, volunteers and attendees, you all made this happen.

#more impact #we do more

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